Monday 27 June 2011


summer arrived in london this weekend! it's duly leaving tomorrow, but for now, i'm enjoying it. this weekend was filled with great things - a wonderful bridal shower that i'll blog about just as soon as i've got the pictures (suffice it to say, my honeymoon suitcase is well stocked!) and....

an evening picnic in a relatively deserted park eating absolutely delicious fish & chips with our hands while watching the most stunning sunset.

observing those queuing for wimbledon tickets in wimbledon park.

 laying in the grass, enjoying the sunday paper, a good book, the sunshine and napping.

it was a perfect weekend.


  1. Yay for picnics in the park! We had one in Prospect Park yesterday that was so fun. There's something so restorative about sitting in the grass and grazing on snacks for the afternoon!

  2. Yes, it was SO lovely on Sunday, and so warm! We flew up to Scotland and it is ... not so warm. :) Hope to see you later this week!

  3. enjoy your summer while it lasts – and something tells me that the spring of your marriage will last for a long time – then blend in the summer – and that and to fall – and then into winter – and that into a spring. I only know you from words – but I'm happy for you. God bless and keep you and your soon to be groom.
